Party All 'Round the World- Mon. 5:00 PM - JDA Petite Youth Company - Miss Stephanie
Runaway- Kayla Thurston (Senior Solo)
When You Wish Upon a Star- Tues. 5:00 PM - Ballet/Tap/Gym - Miss Abby
Supergirl- Clare Young (Mini Solo)
The Feels - Mon. 6:00 PM - JDA Junior Youth Company - Miss Stephanie
Something to Dance For- Sat. 11:00 AM - Ballet/Tap/Jazz - Miss Chrissie
Wonderful Life- Amelia Tellefsen (Petite Solo)
The Party- Thurs. 6:00 PM - JDA Senior Youth Company - Miss Stephanie
Jilted - Tues. 6:00 PM - Ballet/Tap/Jazz - Mr. Josh
West Side Story America- Friday 5:00 PM - Musical Theater - Miss Anne Margret
ABC- Isabella Ferracci (Petite Solo)
Gonna Be My Day- Sat. 9:00 AM - Ballet/Tap/Gym - Miss Chrissie
Lose You to Love Me - Leah Vega (Senior Solo)
The Glow - Sat. 10:00 AM - Ballet/Tap/Jazz - Miss Chrissie
Dancing In The Street- Mon. 4:30 PM - JDA Mini Youth Company - Miss Chrissie
The Wizard of Oz Ballet Production
Party All 'Round the World - Mon. 5:00 PM - JDA Petite Youth Company - Miss Stephanie
Runaway- Kayla Thurston (Senior Solo)
A Bushel and a Peck- Sat. 9:00 AM - Ballet/Tap/Gym - Mr. Josh
Just Hold On, We're Going Home- Tues. 7:00 PM - Jazz/Hip Hop 1 - Mr. Josh
Lovely Day- Feanah McVeigh (Tap Solo)
Bop- Wed. 5:00 PM - Intro to Hip Hop - Mr. Josh
The Party - Thurs. 6:00 PM - JDA Senior Youth Company - Miss Stephanie
ABC- Isabella Ferracci (Petite Solo)
Put Your Records On - Wed. 5:00 PM - Ballet/Jazz - Miss Chrissie
Supergirl -Clare Young (Mini Solo)
Amayzing Mayzie- Sat. 10:00 AM - Ballet/Tap/Gym - Mr. Josh
Trainwreck -Kendall Dugas (Senior Solo)
Where's The Party- Thurs. 4:00 PM - Intro to Acro - Miss Stephanie
The Feels- Mon. 6:00 PM - JDA Junior Youth Company - Miss Stephanie
Round & Round - Cynthia Leech (Senior Solo)
Dancing In The Street- Mon. 4:30 PM - JDA Mini Youth Company - Miss Stephanie
The Wizard of Oz Ballet Production
Shout- Thurs. 5:00 PM - Acro/Jazz - Miss Stephanie
Dance To The Music- Tues. 5:00 PM - Ballet/Tap/Gym - Miss Chrissie
Poison- Wed. 6:00 PM - Hip Hop 1 - Mr. Josh
Positoovity- Thursday 5:00 PM- Ballet/Tap/Gym- Mr Josh
Round & Round - Cynthia Leech (Senior Solo)
Make Some Noise- Mon. 4:00 PM - Ballet/Tap/Gym - Miss Stephanie
Lovely Day- Feanah McVeigh (Tap Solo)
Don't Stop- Tues. 6:00 PM - Ballet/lyrical 1 - Miss Abby
Celebrate - Thurs. 4:00 PM - Ballet/Tap/Jazz - Miss Chrissie
Trainwreck -Kendall Dugas (Senior Solo)
Lets Get It Started- Wed. 7:00 PM - Hip Hop 2 - Mr. Josh
Lose You to Love Me - Leah Vega (Senior Solo)
This Is My Moment- Wed. 6:00 PM - Ballet/Tap/Jazz - Miss Chrissie
Love You For A Long Time- Tues. 7:00 PM -Ballet/lyrical 2 -Miss Abby
Wonderful Life- Amelia Tellefsen (Petite Solo)
The Party- Thurs. 6:00 PM -JDA Senior Youth Company -Miss Stephanie